Around the Writer’s Table

Conversations on Craft, Creativity, and Conscious Living! The advice is universal: if you want to write, just sit your butt in a chair and start writing! Creativity isn’t always “on call,” though, and the act of writing tugs on all parts of your life: energy, time, focus, dedication, endurance, resilience…the list goes on. Around the Writer’s Table is a podcast that explores the crossroads of creativity, craft, and conscious living for writers of all ages and backgrounds. Join Gina, Melody, and KimBoo around the writer’s table as they bring their unique perspectives to the trials, tribulations, and joys of writing!

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Thursday Feb 15, 2024

This episode delves further into Gina's Creativity Quest stage of verifying and testing. We explored how this process of testing our creative boundaries and sharing our work with others relates to the natural seasons of writing and plant spirit medicine. Melody provided insights on using these paradigms to stay aligned with our creative vision during challenging periods of revision and maturation. For many of us, the fall season of letting go and accepting feedback is when doubts can creep in. But having clarity on our purpose and maintaining community support can help us through.
We also discussed our clients' struggles to see the forest for the trees and lose sight of their goals. Productivity coaching aims to help them build confidence by establishing clear plans. Whether your strength lies in ideation or revision, we hope we offered perspectives on maintaining balance and harmony on your creative journey. Join us next time as we enter the stage of fully integrating and dedicating ourselves to our craft.
----------------Visit our website for resource links, downloadable worksheets, and a full transcript of this episode!

Thursday Feb 01, 2024

In this episode, we continue their exploration of the Creativity Quest, focusing on "Verifying and Testing." As we delve into this stage of the creative journey, we discuss the challenges and opportunities it presents for creative individuals.
Verifying and Testing is a crucial phase where creators begin to test their skills and share their work more openly with the world. It's a time when validation and feedback become essential, but it can also be a period filled with skepticism and criticism from others. We share our personal experiences handling criticism and discerning when (and from whom) to seek feedback.
We highlight the importance of self-awareness, emphasizing the need to understand one's own reactions to feedback, whether positive or negative. Recognizing trustworthy sources and the right timing for feedback is a valuable skill during this stage.
Listeners are invited to join the conversation as we navigate the external challenges that come with sharing creative work. This episode offers insights and strategies for maintaining resilience and boundaries while embracing the creative journey's external aspects. It's an exploration that reveals much about the creative process and how individuals can thrive throughout it!
----------------Visit our website for resource links, downloadable worksheets, and a full transcript of this episode!
An Overview of The Creativity Quest:
An episode focused on boundaries
Previous guideposts we mentioned: Assessing and Acknowledging and Carrying Inner Disquiet
1 Million Words Club writer’s membership community
Gina’s blog: Gina’s Quill
KimBoo’s blog: KimBoo’s Scriptorium
Questions on the Five Seasons and Verifying & Testing
Spring: Do I verify and test the work I am currently involved with against my vision for my project? In other words, does the work I am currently doing fit my intended vision?
Summer: Does the process of maturation of my WIP (revisions, editing, development) hold up to my vision? Do I invite my writing community to give me support and encouragement?
Harvest: Do I take occasions to celebrate my work at whatever stage it is in? Do I feed myself emotionally, spiritually, physically, intellectually in balanced ways?
Fall: How do I verify and test my work against feedback provided by editors, beta readers, and critique groups? Do their comments and suggestions fit into my vision and what I know to be true regarding my project, characters, and story line?
Winter: How do I provide myself with appropriate moments of rest in each phase of my work? Do I allow myself time to "sleep on it" when considering important revisions/changes to my WIP?

Tuesday Jan 16, 2024

This episode focuses on the relationship between authenticity and the seasons of writing! Your lovely hosts Gina, Melody, and KimBoo discuss how inviting authentic existence, one of the guideposts in Gina's Creativity Quest cycle of creativity, applies to all five seasons since authenticity is integral to fully expressing each stage of growth and change.
Melody explains how each season influences authenticity, and we share our experiences finding our authentic voices over time through recognizing recurring themes and having a positive physical response when we engage in writing sincerely. Reading work aloud can also reveal authenticity that is otherwise hidden during the editing process. While the process is gradual, realizing that she had written over one million words helped KimBoo develop a richer, more authentic style and is one reason why she started the 1 Million Words membership community for writers.
----------------Visit our website for resource links, downloadable worksheets, and a full transcript of this episode!

Monday Jan 01, 2024

Welcome back, writers! We're here with another episode of Around the Writers' Table. Today, we're picking up where we left off a couple of episodes ago after a side-jaunt where Gina and I talked about subscriptions and serials. But now, let's get back to the heart of the Creativity Quest!
In case you missed it, or you're just joining us, we're delving into the Creativity Quest guideposts, a series of stages that every creative person goes through. To catch you up, we've already explored carrying inner disquiet, releasing, emulating and mirroring, assessing and acknowledging, and taking ownership.
Today, we're shining a spotlight on "inviting authentic existence." This is where things start to get real because it's all about externalizing the inner work we've done. It's like stepping into a new world: We start showing our work to others, inviting feedback, and that can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.
Here's the thing; this stage can manifest in two ways. First, if you've been keeping your creative work close to your chest, the act of revealing it to the world might make you seem different to others, even though you're just being yourself. Second, you might uncover parts of yourself through your creative work that you never knew existed. Sharing these newfound aspects with the world can be a transformative experience, making you feel different to both yourself and others.
We'll explore this transition between the inner work of taking ownership and the outer work of inviting authentic existence. So, stay tuned as we dig deep into these guideposts and uncover more about our creative journeys!
----------------Visit our website for resource links, downloadable worksheets, and a full transcript of this episode!

Friday Dec 15, 2023

In this episode, Gina and KimBoo discuss the concept of serials and subscriptions for authors. We provide updates on their own writing projects and discuss the differences between serials and serialized novel and explore the history of serials and how the internet and technology have made them more accessible. We emphasize the creative freedom that serials offer to authors and why they should consider exploring this format!
Serials are a form of storytelling that involve sharing installments of a long, complex story with nested story arcs.
The internet and technology have made serials more accessible and popular, with platforms like Wattpad and Reem Stories providing opportunities for authors to share their work.
Serials offer creative freedom to authors who want to explore expansive storytelling and break free from the constraints of traditional publishing formats.
Authors should consider serials if they have a story that can be told over a longer period of time and want to engage readers in an ongoing narrative.
The Around the Writer's Table podcast will be returning in January with episodes focused on the Creativity Quest and the seasons of writing!

Thursday Nov 16, 2023

In this "extra" episode, we delve into the world of subscription models for authors and their impact on creativity and community building!
KimBoo and Gina share their journeys into the world of subscription-based writing, highlighting its transformative power. KimBoo reflects on her earlier exposure to subscription models in fanfiction communities and how it inspired her creative vision. She emphasizes the appeal of building a community and fostering deeper connections with readers.
Gina reveals her initial skepticism about subscriptions and traditional publishing's limitations. Still, her curiosity and desire for creative freedom led her to explore this new frontier. Together, they shed light on the diversity of subscription models and the creative possibilities they offer authors. Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting, this episode provides valuable insights into the evolving landscape of author-reader relationships through subscriptions.
Tune in to discover how subscriptions can redefine your creative journey and build a supportive community around your work!
----------------Visit our website for resource links, downloadable worksheets, and a full transcript of this episode!

Sunday Oct 15, 2023

Welcome to another episode of Around the Writer's Table! While Melody is off dealing with a big move (ack!) Gina and I are diving back into the world of the Creativity Quest, a paradigm Gina has been shaping and exploring together with us. As always, this journey isn't linear; it's more like a dance, sometimes two steps forward, one step back.
In this episode, we're focusing on the guidepost, "Inviting Authentic Existence," which is the 'I' in the CREATIVITY acronym. If you're new to this concept, you only need to know that each of the guideposts represent key aspects of our creative journey.
The "Inviting Authentic Existence" guidepost signifies a shift from inner exploration to a more outward engagement with our creative process. It's about embracing your values, beliefs, and autonomy as a creator. Think of it as extending invitations to new ways of being creative, even if it feels like unfamiliar territory. 
We'll explore how reactions from others and self-reflection play a role in this stage, and what it means to feel "sovernty" in your authorial voice. So, stay tuned as we venture deeper into the Creativity Quest!
Visit our website for resources mentioned in this episode, as well as a downloadables and a full transcript!

Sunday Oct 01, 2023

Welcome back to Around the Writer's Table, where we are on a creative journey through the seasons. In this episode, we delve into the heart of summer, both in nature and creativity, to explore the theme of "Taking Ownership."
Melody shares insights from her book, "Soul of the Seasons," linking the seasons of life to the writing process. Summer signifies a time of heightened productivity and maturation, emphasizing leadership grounded in integrity and authenticity. We discuss the importance of self-guidance while seeking mentorship and maintaining our unique vision.
This season, it's all about embracing your creative authority and leading with a compassionate heart. Join us in discovering how the summer of ownership can empower your Creativity Quest!
Visit our website for resources mentioned in this episode, as well as a downloadables and a full transcript!

Friday Sep 15, 2023

Welcome to the next step of our creative journey! In this episode, we're diving into the stage of the Creativity Quest called "Taking Ownership." This is where our creative adventure starts to get really interesting!
So, what is this "Taking Ownership" guidepost all about? Well, it's the stage where our authentic selves get to shine. It's when we step into our creative power and start to truly own our creative identity. At this point, we're moving away from relying heavily on mentors or teachers and stepping into our unique creative selves.
But, and this is a big but, it can be a tricky stage. It's easy to get caught up in our own egos. We might start thinking we know it all and get a bit carried away. That's where the importance of balance comes in. We have to find the sweet spot between claiming our creative truth and staying humble. After all, humility keeps our creativity grounded and prevents us from spiraling back into old phases.
Join us as we explore the challenges and triumphs of the "Taking Ownership" guidepost. This stage is where we do some deep inner work. Just like in the previous stages, it requires profound self-honesty. We discuss how "Taking Ownership" has shown up in our creative journeys and how we've navigated its twists and turns. It's all part of the quest to become the best creative versions of ourselves!
Visit our website for resources mentioned in this episode, as well as a downloadables and a full transcript!

Friday Sep 01, 2023

In our last episode, we delved into one of the crucial phases of the creative journey, assessing and acknowledging. This stage involves not only evaluating specific pieces of our creative work, but also reflecting on ourselves and our creative lives as a whole. It's about understanding our growth, recognizing areas for improvement, and acknowledging the progress we've made so far. As we explore the different phases of the Creativity Quest, we draw parallels to the five seasons, examining how each stage aligns with the changing landscapes of our creative experiences. 
In this episode, we return to the topic of assessing and acknowledging, focusing on its connection to the season of fall.
In the season of fall, things start to quiet down. It's a time of reflection and assessment, a period to discern what holds value and what's ready to be released. Just as trees shed leaves to prepare for new growth, we too must let go of what no longer serves us. It's a challenging process, entailing honesty and, at times, grief.
As we dive into the conversation, Melody highlights the significance of healthy assessment and its importance to both personal growth and creative work. KimBoo underscores the value of self-awareness, which helps break the cycle of insecurities and self-doubt. Gina emphasizes the connection between assessment, perfectionism, and imposter syndrome. She emphasizes the practice of self-compassion and treating oneself with the same kindness as a trusted friend.
As we explore the assessing and acknowledging phase in our creative journey, we invite you to reflect on your own growth and creative process. Join us as we navigate this essential stage with self-compassion and insight, bringing enlightenment to your creative path.
Visit our website for resources mentioned in this episode, as well as a downloadables and a full transcript!

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